While sleeping bags ultimately all serve the same purpose, they are definitely not all the same. Each individual sleeping bag is designed with different materials and dimensions in order to make it appropriate for the user, the season, and the type of outdoor adventure. And, when it comes to your car camping trip, there are no exceptions. If you’re planning a weekend at the campground, you’re going to want to have one of these sleeping bags to make you as comfortable as possible. Here are the five best sleeping bags for camping.
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping | Kelty Callisto 30
The Kelty Callisto 30 is a great buy for those who want something reliable and comfortable, without spending a lot of money. It’s perfect for people who love car camping, but may just be getting into it or don’t have time to do it all year round. This bag also great for mild weather but can do well in most temperatures. It’s lightweight and adjustable so that it can accommodate more than one person. This versatile bag can also be used as a blanket if the sleeping bag itself is too heavy. Overall, it’s the traditional sleeping bag we all know and love.
Price: $79.95
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping | Nemo Jazz 20 Degree Synthetic
If you’re a little anxious about your upcoming car camping trip because you’re not one to sleep well outdoors, then the Nemo Jazz 20 Degree Synthetic sleeping bag is for you. Just by looking at this sleeping bag, you can tell it’s essentially a portable bed; something some of us are just not willing to go without, even for a few days. It’s more loose, so you can find your position until you’re comfortable. It will keep you warm without overheating, and snug without being too suffocating. There’s also enough room to cozy up with someone else. It’s justttttt right.
Price: $229.95
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping | Wenzel Grande 0°
The word “grande” in a sleeping bag sounds rather promising, and in the case of the Wenzel Grande, it is. If we were to pick a season to use this sleeping bag, then now in autumn would be the perfect time. With its flannel lining and cotton cover, it’s the best choice for the bone-chilling weather. If you want something besides the campfire to keep you warm on this car camping excursion, then the Wenzel Grande 0° will be there for you.
Price: $89.95
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping | evrgrn Crash Sack
Car camping is all about basking in the ambiance, and the evrgrn Crash Sack from REI helps you do just that. Crash sacks like these are becoming very popular with all kinds of campers, and it’s easy to see why. Not only can you sleep in this thing, but you can essentially wear it. It has arms and leg holes (yes, that’s right), so you can bring your sleeping bag wherever you go, kind of like an over-sized jacket. The only downside of this bag is that the airy features make it only possible to use in the warm weather. So, save up for the season.
Price: $119
And, let’s not forget about the kids…
Best Sleeping Bags for Camping | Kelty Woobie 30 Degree Bag
Theoretically, kids can use an adult-sized sleeping bag, especially if you want to ensure their comfort and warmth. However, there are a few good sleeping bags out there that are made for children and are still trustworthy. One of those, being the Kelty Woobie 30 Degree bag. You know the name, and you can be sure your kid will be alright with the warmth-to-weight ratio of the size and material. It’s versatile, cozy, and will ensure that your kid won’t feel left out!
Price: $124.99
Get some shuteye on your car camping trip, one of these sleeping bags will do the trick!