Heading to the outdoors means getting away from the everyday routine and most things associated with it. However, as much as we try, there are some things we just can’t escape from, even in the outdoors. One of those things, of course, being coffee. Whether you’re a coffee addict or you just enjoy a cup to get you going for a long day out on the trail, you don’t need to give it up. Here’s how to make sure you can have your cup of Joe no matter where you are in the backcountry.
1. Instant Coffee
Instant coffee is always the easy way to go, though it may not be the tastiest. That being said, camping is all about making things more simple. Instant coffee is the best way to do that. Just buy the powder, boil the water over the campfire, and pour in the instant coffee. Just like that, and you’re ready to start your day in no time.
2. Coffee Singles
Instant coffee is nice, but it gets even better. What a time to be alive, when coffee comes in tea bags. Coffee Singles, or “coffee bags,” are really one of the coolest ways to make coffee in the outdoors. Just pour hot water into your mug, and dip in your coffee single just like you would with a tea bag. You can also add it to a pot of water if you’re planning on sharing with your camping group.
3. Reusable Coffee Filters
Yes, they make these, and yes, they’re awesome. Reusable coffee filters are a great option for campers who like being outdoors as much as they love their coffee. Place your filter on top of a mug, load in your coffee grounds, heat up water, and pour it through. With this method, it’s really easy to have your coffee at any campsite.
4. A French Press
If you’re planning a car camping trip, then this one is for you. A french press can make some pretty damn good coffee, without the hassle. The reason this one is ideal for car camping is because it’s a little heavier and a bit more classy. It also can make a big batch of coffee so you can serve your entire camping group at once.
5. Drip Coffee Containers
Drip coffee is the bomb, but what’s even better is how they brew it. A little drip container and a Ziploc bag filled with the coffee is really all you need. Of course, if you can bring some condensed milk along, it might taste a tad bit better. Load the coffee into the container, press down the mechanism, and gradually add water.
6. The Moka Pot or Other Coffee Makers
There are a lot of machines to help you make coffee, and using them over a campfire as opposed to in your house is a lot of fun. While the Moka Pot may not necessarily be meant for the outdoors, it certainly works well. Using a pressurizing process, delicious coffee (and strong coffee) is brewed in a matter of minutes.
If you prefer something a little more traditional, then go for the percolator. Families have been using this incredible mechanism since the old days of camping. It takes a little longer to assemble and thus takes longer to make coffee than others on this list. But, if you like the nostalgia, then this is for you.
There are just some things we can’t live without, no matter how much we love being outdoors. If you enjoy drinking coffee during your camping trips, then use the method that’s best for you!