20 Things Only Backpackers Get Excited About
1. Packing for a hike
Seriously, whenever it’s time for you to pack for your next trip, you can hardly contain your excitement.
2. When that new outdoor store is finally open
You know where you’re going to be for the next 5 hours…
3. Winter
“Don’t you hate winter?” “Umm…no.” What’s better than getting to strap on snowshoes, ice climbing, and snowy peaks? Not much.
4. Eating ramen
No, it’s not just a food found in every college kid’s dorm room. It’s a meal sent from the heavens.
5. Reading trail maps
Because what’s more exciting than plotting out your adventure?
6. Buying a sick pair of hiking boots
No, these are not your backup pair. This is what you’ll be wearing everyday until you need a new pair.
7. Climbing mountains
Most people could think of plenty of other things they’d rather do than hike up a mountain. You can’t wait, because you know what’ll be waiting for you at the top.
8. When a new outdoor film hits theaters
Only 127 hours left until you get to watch it…
9. Getting socks for Christmas
Because you can never have enough of them. Woo-hoo!
10. When someone asks you where you will go next
“Well, let me tell you…”
11. Sporks
You’ve gotten so used to eating with them outdoors, you almost forgot that normal people use them, too. They’re just so cool!
12. Getting your campfire started without any struggles
Obviously you can do it though. You’re a pro.
13. Bringing your dog on a hike
You can’t tell who’s more excited for this one.
14. Two-person sleeping bags
This will surely get your significant other to come out for a backpacking trip.
15. Getting your hiking permit
Now you’re free to go!
16. Meeting fellow backpackers
You know you’re going to be best friends right of the bat.
17. Completing long hikes
You don’t have a lot to add to your resume, but you did complete the AT and the PCT, so obviously you’re qualified for everything.
18. HeatTech Shirts
Now you can hike anytime of the year without looking like a giant poof-ball, and that’s flipping awesome.
19. Outdoor workouts
No, you don’t want to go to the gym sometime this week, or ever. That’s because backpacking is the only workout you’ll ever need, and you’re totally cool with that.
20. Hiking season
Yes, you can hike anytime of the year, but there’s nothing like the good ole’ hiking season coming to a start, in which backpackers all over are super excited about. With spring around the corner, you know more trails across the country are going to be open for your backpacking pleasure.