Check Out These Lightweight Backpacks by Kuiu
Kuiu, a company which actually specializes in hunting gear, has made something that can benefit all backpackers who want to travel more freely in the outdoors.
Technology can really enhance our experience in the backcountry, and this time, it comes in the form of a backpack. Each year, developers are trying to find new and improved ways to combat problems that people face when they hike. One common problem is finding a backpack that can hold a lot of things, without weighing you down. Usually, hikers have had to sacrifice something they probably would have taken with them in order to achieve this.
That is, until now.
The Lowdown
Kuiu has created, or rather updated, two lines of backpacks, the ULTRA and ICON PRO, with more to come on the way. These backpacks are able to hold up to 150 lbs of weight, which is A LOT more than the previous designs made by this company. Each bag is made from carbon fibers that way less than a soda can. Due to the material these bags are made of in combination with other technological features, they are the largest, yet lightest, multi-day bags out there today. You literally will not be able to find anything else this light to hold all your stuff.
The Capacity of the Backpacks
It’s not necessarily needing so much as it is having the option of bringing whatever you want. That being said, remember that these Kuiu bags are actually meant for hunters, even though they can be used for a multitude of outdoor adventures. Though we don’t encourage you carrying so much, it’s nice to see what technology can do for people who need it. (It also helps people who want to complete the AT or PNW without re-stocking!)
The Changeability of the Backpack
In addition to the carbon fibers used to make this backpack light, it has a few other things that makes it a better choice than other backpacks. The ULTRA and ICON PRO lines are unique because they are customizable. Users are able to swap out different sized packs from either ULTRA or ICON PRO, so they can use the size they need when they need it. It also allows you to bring a day pack along with a larger pack, without compromising the weight. These backpacks give you that flexibility.
Kuiu bags are also recognized for being extremely durable, and waterproof. The suspension systems in place on the bag allow the weight to be distributed comfortably into the hip belt. (Which, you’re going to need since you could be holding close to 150 lbs!) The suspension system also allows space between your back and the bag, so you don’t have to worry about sweating so much; which is of course a serious concern over the summer.
What Kuiu Backpacks are Available
So, are you interested yet in getting one of these awesome, tech-savvy backpacks? Then here’s what you need to know.
The ULTRA 1800: 3 lbs 1.5 oz. (More for a day hike.)
The ULTRA 3000: 3 lbs 4.3 oz. (2-3 days, or cold weather.)
The ULTRA 6000: 3 lbs 12.7 oz. (Good for up to 10 days in the backcountry.)
The ULTRA bags are made with the goal of “minimizing weight while optimizing performance and functionality.” The packs come with a main compartment styled with a horseshoe zipper. There are also two front zippered pockets, a stuff-it pocket, and two hip bags which are sold separately.
Prices vary from $99.99-$399.98. If you buy just the bag, it will be cheaper of course, but most people go for the full kit which has the interchangeable frame in various sizes.
The ICON PRO 1850: 4 lbs 1 oz. (Most versatile day pack, with the option of taking out the frame.)
The ICON PRO 3200: 4 lbs 4 oz. (Good for 1-3 days in the field.)
The ICON PRO 5200: 5 lbs 9 oz. (good for 3-6 days in the field.)
The ICON PRO 7200: 5 lbs 12 oz. (Good for up to 14 days in the field.)
The ICON PRO bags are a little more hefty than the ULTRA bags, and might be better if you want to hike longer, or just move into the wild forever. (Because you can now!). Prices range from $124.99-$499.98. Like the ULTRA bag, you can choose whether you want to purchase just the backpack or the full kit.
Ready to Buy?
Remember, with the Kuiu bags, any ULTRA or ICON PRO bag can be used with the frame. Keep in mind that the Kuiu bags have been designed for hunting, so if you don’t plan on throwing a carcass in your bag, you can probably drop down a few sizes. These bags are designed with the strength of a stainless steel frame, but remarkably, weigh NOTHING. Although they aren’t necessarily the lightest bags on the market, they are the lightest bags that can hold this much weight. Whether you hunt or not, there is no reason any avid hiker wouldn’t want a bag like this.