While we’d all love for our outdoor adventures to run flawlessly from start to finish, that is not always the case. Sometimes, we accidentally collide with the not-so-friendly plant life out there in the wild. Poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac are good examples. All three of these plants bear an oil called urushiol. When […]
Four out of five Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives making it one of the most common physical health problems in the United States. Some causes of back pain are inevitable such as aging or genetics, but other causes can be avoided such as injury and strain. Luckily, there […]
After a long day snowshoeing on a trail or making your way up a steep mountain side, your body tends to get tired. Often times, a lot of the pain and soreness happens at the beginning of the hike, which can prevent people from carrying on. It’s not until later that the muscles work up […]
A while back, an elderly snowshoeing couple went missing in Nevada when a blizzard hit. They ended up lost in white-out conditions. Thankfully, they were rescued before things took a turn for the worse. They were able to dial 911 from the ski area and unlike many others who have found themselves in similar positions, […]