Unless you live in a climate where the weather is the same all year round, it’s likely that you have a completely different wardrobe for winter and summer. (If you didn’t, we’d be very concerned). While winter gear can be a lot more complex due to the layers you would need to keep yourself warm, summer gear is a whole different story. Although you won’t need as much clothing, you will need other things to keep you safe and comfortable in the sun. Before you head out to the trail this season, make sure you have this gear ready to go.
The Sun Runner Cap
Hands down one of the most important things to have (besides water, of course) while hiking during the summer is a hat. A hat will not only protect you from sunburn, but it will keep you cooler, keep the sun out of your eyes, and in many cases, prevent headaches from sun exhaustion. The Sun Runner Cap by Outdoor Research has flaps on the side that can be removed when you don’t need them. The mesh on the side panels lets your head breathe, and it comes in plenty of great colors! Don’t go outside without it!
Price: $36.00
A Nalgene Wide Mouth
What’s your go-to water bottle in the summertime? If it’s not a Nalgene, then it’s time to switch over! People love Nalgenes because they are lightweight and reliable. The Nalgene Wide Mouth holds 32 oz. and will keep you hydrated all day. You don’t need to worry about your water leaking out, toxic plastic, or not having enough water with you. The wide top allows you to easily add ice cubes or water filters. Most backpacks are built in with a large enough space to hold this bottle, but the cap lets you hook it onto anything. Nalgenes last a very long time, come in tons of colors, and have an unbeatable price.
Price: $10.99
The Sahara T-Shirt
While some people advise wearing long sleeves in the summer to fully protect yourself from the sun, let’s be honest; no one wants to wear more than they need to in that kind of heat. Though, unless you’re going to be doing nude hiking, you’re going to need to cover yourself up. Go for the Sahara T-Shirt by REI, which is available for women and men. People love this shirt because for summer gear, it’s light and comfortable, and “manages moisture” well. Perfect for when you’re going to be sweaty, but don’t want to be sticking to everything.
Price: $24.50
A Pair of Patagonia Baggies
If you haven’t got your handy Patagonia Baggies yet, then you don’t know what you’re missing! These are some of the best hiking shorts on the market and will serve you very well as your summer gear. These babies are made from great nylon material, with UPF 50+ built in. With an elastic waistband and funky colors and designs to choose from for both men and women, these are a must on your summer gear list. You can swim in them and they’ll dry fast, too!
Price: $49.00
The Risky Foldables Sunglasses
There’s a lot of good eyewear out there that can really help protect your eyes (and make you look cool) while on the trail. Sometimes though, no matter how sunny it is, you can’t wear sunglasses because it can make it harder to see what’s right in front of you. You’ll often need to take them off and put them back on, without worrying about breaking them. If this sounds like you, then get the Risky Foldables by Eagle Eyes. Not only are the lenses guaranteed to protect you, but the glasses fold up easily to put in your pocket. Also available in an Aviator style!
Price: 59.95
Avon Skin So Soft Bug and Sun Guard
Avon makes some of the best skin products for the trail. The Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard, among other products, will not only protect you against the sun, but also protect you against bugs like mosquitoes and even deer ticks. They make a ton of different variations of the product to provide you with what’s best for you or the kiddies. It also comes in both sprays and lotions.
Price: $14.00 (On sale now!)
The DLX Necklace Fan DSP
The summer is HOT. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just can’t get cool. Even beyond staying hydrated, pouring some water over your head every so often or going for a dip in a nearby lake isn’t enough to keep your temperature down. So, welcome the DLX Necklace Fan DSP by O2 Cool. It might not be quite like a Squeeze-n-Breeze you had back in the day, but it is a lot more practical for the outdoors. Just wear it around your neck and you’re good to go!
Price: $11.49
Take your hike to the fullest this season with this awesome summer gear!